: bit-by-bit logic XOR relations between the OP and a DATA word.
OP=OP X data
Logic XOR relation between two terms of a group conditional test joined by
For example: (Innn X Ynnn)
: start of conditional test. Is the OP smaller than the DATA to right of the functional
For example: <Lfnn (is OP smaller than the content of register Fnnn?)
: start of conditional test. Is the OP greater than the DATA to the right of the functional
For example: >Lfnn (is OP greater than the content of register Fnn?)
: start of conditional test. Is the OP equal to the DATA to the right of the functional
For example: = Lfnn (is OP equal to the content of register Fnn?)
: start of conditional test. Is the OP smaller than or equal to the DATA to the right of the
functional symbol?
For example: <=Lfnn (is OP smaller than or equal to the content of register Fnn?)
: start of conditional test. Is OP greater than or equal to the DATA to the right of the
functional symbol?
For example: >=Lfnn (is OP greater than or equal to the content of register Fnn?)
: output line active.
MACHINE). Output FLAG active.
U400-U777 (PLC
NC). Under such conditions conditional test Ynnn gives a
TRUE result, conditional test NYnnn giving a FALSE result.
: direct setting-up of the OUTPUT line in the instant the instruction is executed. This
instruction is particularly effective in serving activities that demand a fast
intervention. It is applicable to physical output lines only, it has no meaning for
output flags. Its format is identical with that of instruction Unnn.
: Output line off (PLC
U000-U377 output FLAG off (PLC
D400-D777 under such conditions, conditional test Ynnn gives a FALSE result,
conditional test Nynnn giving TRUE result.
: direct cutout of the OUTPUT line in the instant the instruction is executed. This
instruction is particularly effective in serving activities that demand a fast
intervention. It is applicable to physical output lines only, it has no meaning for
output flags. Its format is identical with that of instruction Dnnn.
: setting "1" for the n-th bit of general-purpose register Fnn (UF000-UF997). Under
such conditions, conditional test Fnnn or NFnnn will yield a TRUE or FALSE result,
: setting "0" for the n-th bit of general-purpose register Fnn (DF000-DF997). Under
such conditions. Under such conditions, conditional test Fnnn or Nfnnn will yield a