Top Side View of decoder
Decoder version 3.5
Dimensions: 1.08 x 0.630 x .275 inches 27.5 x 16.5 x 7 mm
Convenient 9 pin plug and wiring harness makes it easy
to replace noisy decoders from other manufacturers
This is an EPF (extended packet format) decoder supporting
Silent Running
motor drive
Directly replaces noisy Atlas #340 or Digitrax DH150 series decoders
Torque Compensation for ultra smooth low speed performance
Programmable Start, Mid and Maximum speed works for all speed modes
Motor rating 1.3 Amp continuous, 2 Amp peak (stall)
Five function outputs each with independent lighting effects generators
Select from 15 different lighting effects (Mars, strobes, beacon, flicker, etc)
Lighting outputs can be mapped to different functions
Uploadable speed table interpolated to 128 speed steps
Decoder assisted consisting
Support for all forms of DCC programming
Decoder programming lock mechanism
Brake on DC feature assists automatic train control
Every attempt has been made to ensure this decoder complies with all applicable NMRA Standards
and Recommended Practices. NMRA Conformance test results on this decoder are available on
our website at www.ncedcc.com
This book, schematics and artwork copyright 2003
NCE Corporation Webster, NY 14580