Republic of China
Announcement No. 52, 2019 regulation
It is not allowed to change the scene or conditions of use, expand the range of
transmission frequency, increase the transmission power (including adding additional
RF power amplifiers) or change the transmission antenna without authorization;
It shall not cause harmful interference to other legitimate radio stations or stations,
nor shall it propose protection against harmful interference
It shall withstand interference from industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) application
equipment that radiates radio frequency energy or other legitimate radio (station)
If harmful interference is caused to other legitimate radio stations (stations), the use
of such stations shall be stopped immediately, and measures shall be taken to eliminate
the interference before they can continue to be used;
The use of micro power equipment in the aircraft and in the electromagnetic
environment protection areas of military and civil radio stations (stations) and airports,
such as radio observatories, weather radar stations, satellite earth stations (including
measurement and control, ranging, receiving and navigation stations) planned in
accordance with laws and regulations, relevant regulations and standards of the
state, shall comply with the provisions of the electromagnetic environment protection
and the competent departments of relevant industries;