2 0
1. S leep Tim er
2. Time Zone
3. D ayli ght Sav ing Time
4. A uto Cloc k
5. C lock
Avai lable o ptions : Off, 5 Min, 10 Min ,
15 Min, 30 Min, 4 5 Min, 60 Min , 90 M in,
120 Min, 18 0 Min , 240 M in.
Avai lable o ptions : East ern, Central,
Mou ntain, Pacific , Alas ka, Ha waii, A tlantic .
Avai lable o ptions : On, O ff.
Avai lable o ptions : On, O ff.
- Thi s item is adju stable only w hen A uto Cl ock is Off.
- Pre ss LEF T or R IGHT navigation b utton to mov e the c ursor.
- Pre ss UP or DO WN na vigati on but ton to a djust the va lue.
T his ite m is adjustable onl y when Digit al CC is not O ff.
Availab le options: D efault , Custom.
Availab le options: D efault , Font 0, Fon t 1, Fo nt 2, F ont 3, Font 4 , Font 5,
F ont 6, Font 7 .
Availab le options: D efault , Norm al, La rge, Sm all.
Availab le options: D efault , None , Rais ed, De press ed, Un iform, Left Shadow,
R ight Shadow.
Availab le options: D efault , Black , Whit e, Red , Gree n, Blu e, Yell ow, Ma genta , Cyan .
Availab le options: D efault , White , Red , Gree n, Blue , Yello w, Ma genta, Cyan .
Availab le options: D efault , Black , Red, Green, Blue , Yello w, Ma genta, Cyan.
Availab le options: D efault , Solid , Flash ing, Translu cent, Transp arent.
Availab le options: D efault , Solid , Flash ing, Translu cent, Transp arent.
Availab le options: O n, Off
Availab le options: O n, Off .
Once Audio Only fu nction is On , this T V will play th e aud io only. And p ress
M ENU button will re sume norma l playi ng.
T his ite m is used to reset t o facto ry def ault se ttings .
O ption
B lue Screen
A udio Only
M ode
F ont St yle
F ont Si ze
Font Ed ge Sty le
F ont Ed ge Co lor
F G Col or
B G Col or
F G Opa city
B G Opa city
5 . Ot her Sett ings
6 . Re stor e De fault
1. M enu Langua ge
2. Trans par ent
3.O SD Time out
4.Clos e d Ca ption
This item is used to sele ct pre ferred OSD
menu langu age.
This item is used to set transp arent l evel
of OS D men u.
Avail able o ptions : 0%/2 5%/50 %/ 75 %/100 %.
Avail able o ptions : 5/15/ 30/45/60 sec onds
Avail able o ptions : CC M ute, C C Off, CC On .
Avail able o ptions : CC1, CC2, CC3, C C4,
Text1 , Text 2, Text 3, Tex t4.
Avail able o ptions : Service1, S ervice 2, Service3, Servic e4, Service5,
Serv ice6, O ff.
CC M ode
Anal og CC
Digital CC