Version 10.09.2019
Case 2: CAN box does not receive the reverse gear signal (e.g. Zafira2017)
If the Can box does not does not r12V on the green wire of the 6 to 8pin cable when
reverse gear is engaged (not all vehicles are compatible), an external switching signal from
the reverse gear light is required. As the reverse gear light’s power supply isn’t voltage-
stable all the time, an ordinary open relay (e.g AC-RW-1230 with wiring AC-RS5) or filter (e.g.
AC-PNF-RVC) is required. The diagram below shows the connection type of the relay.
Cut the green cable of 6pin to 8pin cable near the black 8pin connector, isolate the
short end (CAN box side) and connect the longer part of that cable to the output
connector (87) of the relay.
Connect the Reverse light’s power-cable to coil (85) and the vehicle’s ground to coil
(86) of the relay.
Connect the output connector (87) of the relay to the rear-view camera’s power-
cable, like you did it with the green cable before.
Connect permanent power +12V to the relay’s input connector (30).