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Fluorescence Imaging



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ZFL Video Scope

• Transgenic organisms.
• All GFP (Green Fluorescent  Protein) stud-

ies involving living cells and tissues: C. 
Elegans, D. Melanogaster, D. Rerio Larva, 
Zebra Fish, Oocytes, Nematodes, Droso-

• Plant cells, plant surfaces, soil samples, 


• Air and water pollution.
• Forensic - fingerprints, fibers, documents, 

and body fluids.

• Capillary flow.
• Bacteria on agricultural products.
• Art restoration. 
• Other non-destructive testing.

• Wafer Contamination by organic residue.
• Inspection of  photoresist.
• Diagnosis of lumber diseases.
• Inclusions, imperfections, and compound 

variation in geological crystals (including 
the gem industry).

• Inspection of the structure and chemical 

composition of concrete.

• Investigation of the presence and disper-

sions of additives or impurities in polymers 
and ceramics.

• Investigation of  structural abnormalities in 

materials (cracks, pores, welds).

• Confirming presence of adhesives in 

cemented applications.

Ideal Uses

Navitar Video Fluorescent Scope

Navitar’s Video ZFL Scope is a Macro/Micro 
fluorescent vision system that utilizes inter-
changeable professional fluorescent cubes 
and internal focus to create an image compat-
ible with most existing camera systems.  It is 
a simple means of doing very sophisticated, 
task oriented fluorescence without the ex-
pense and complexity associated with a fully 
loaded research microscope.  

Basic Components of Any Video 
Fluorescent System

1.  A 

light source

 emitting the wavelengths 

required to cause the labeling dye to 

  Two different remote light sources are 

available, a halogen light for the longer 
wavelengths, and a metal arc lamp for the 
UV.  LED illumination is currently under 

2.  An 

integrated cube

 that optimizes per-

formance by stopping all but the desired 
(excitation) wavelength from reaching 
the object and then stopping all but the 
fluorescing wavelength (emitting) from 
reaching the camera.  There is a multitude 
of off-the-shelf cubes available depending 
