NAVIS NavDP 4000. Operation Manual
Appendix H
Data Logging
NAVIS NavDP 4000
system has the following data logging options:
Local logging
— data are recorded to the local file storage on the operator station;
Advanced network logging
— data are recorded to additional Data Logger Station (DLS).
Local Data Logging
Local logging is always available regardless of whether additional Data Logger Station (DLS) is installed or not.
Local logging is turned on/off by DP Operator.
The data are stored to the local storage (local disk or additional HDD). If DLS is installed, local recorder duplicates
data recording to DLS.
Advanced Network Data Logging
Network Data logging provides:
– recording of data up to one month;
– centralized data collection from all control stations (DP and IJ);
– data viewing and analysis on DLS by means of Data Logger Analyzer (see Section H.4, page 332) or data saving
for remote analysis;
– data export to the external device (USB flash drive);
– data printing.
Data Logger Station supports several (from one to four) Ethernet connections with DP and IJ stations.
The data record starts just after the system is on, regardless of whether local logging is on or off.
The data are stored in DLS.
The DLS monitoring is provided using the table of state placed in the System Monitor window (see figure H.1).
Figure H.1: System Monitor Window. Table of State
Doc. 000.JDP-10000-OME, rev.3.3.13/“2102.$–17A-Advanced”