NAVIS NavDP 4000. Operation Manual
Power trend view
Power trend view is at the bottom of the Power View where you can monitor the Power Graph (Figure 6.48). On the
Power Graph a curve for each generator, shaft-generator and main engine selected within a specified time span.
Figure 6.48: Power trend view
Each power curve is color-coded. In case of equal load of two or more generators one curve can overlap the other(s).
See Section 5.8, page 81 for more detailed information about trends configuring.
Failure modes
NAVIS NavDP 4000
compares the information about the position of a generator or thruster circuit breaker with the
actual power consumed by the generator or thruster.
There may be two situations where the generator circuit breaker status signal and the generator power signal are
mutually contradictory:
the circuit breaker is open while the generator power is remarkably more than zero. In this case the system
considers the generator working, the breaker state as closed and displays red indicator;
the circuit breaker is closed while the break of the power signal is detected. In this case the system considers
the breaker as open one and displays the red indicator.
For a thruster breaker:
the breaker status is indicated as OPEN while the consumed power is indicated as not zero(i.e. the generator
isn’t supplying power to the bus). In this case the system does not remove the thruster from the Auto Thruster
The tie breaker failure modes depends on vessel configuration.
Doc. 000.JDP-10000-OME, rev.3.3.13/“2102.$–17A-Advanced”