Figure 6.26: TAL area
TAL Modes
Usually, several Allocation Modes are available to set up by DP operator. If “TAL Mode” option is available, the
Mode/Function panel includes the indicator of the current Thrust Allocation Mode, and the softkey used for selecting
other Allocation Modes (see Figure 6.26)
Pressing the Select Mode softkey, the bar appears on the screen to provide a choice of desired Allocation Mode(see
Figure 6.27)
Figure 6.27: TAL mode dialog
TAL is available in the DP mode only (see Figure 6.28).
Figure 6.28: Indicator of the TAL status
The TAL indicator is green if TAL is available and the preset values of forces and moments are in the Thrust Allocation
Diagram. In case the values are out of the diagram the indicator is red.
The TAL indicator is light-gray in case of the AP mode.
Set of allocation modes available depends on actuators set.
Typical modes are:
Port Ahead
TAL Mode for twin-propeller (FPP) ship. Port propeller works ahead.
Stbd Ahead
TAL Mode for twin-propeller (FPP) ship. Starboard propeller works ahead.
Low Bias
Low degree of thruster bias. About thruster biasing see below
High Bias
High degree of thruster bias. About thruster biasing see below
No Bias
No thruster biasing
Free Rotation Mode
for ships with aziumuth thusters – low penalty for azimuth rotation
Group of thrusters work synchronized, or almost synchronized – due to high penalty for difference (for example,
groups of two azimuths for 4-azimuth ship) or only one-axis (sync X-axis)
DP System selects mode automatically
Thruster Biasing
— allows thruster(s) to counteract other(s) so that resulting effect of biasing is zero.
Thruster biasing does not reduce vessel capability since the counteraction will be reduced when the total demand force
increase. Being set up to Bias, thrusters consumes more power however provide faster response to demand force change
and better DP performance.
Thruster Biasing is useful in the following situations:
– When azimuth thruster cannot give zero thrust. Other thrusters can be used to compensate minimum force.
Doc. 000.JDP-10000-OME, rev.3.3.13/“2102.$–17A-Advanced”