Tunnel Thruster
The Manual Thruster Window contains the bar graph (Figure 6.11) and the numerical display (Figure 6.12) that show
the required (green) and actual (yellow) values for the thrust.
The thrust is given in % to maximum.
The following notation is used:
means starboard,
means portside.
Figure 6.11: Tunnel Thruster Bar Graphs
Figure 6.12: Tunnel Thruster Numerical Displays
A waterjet generates propulsive thrust from the reaction created when water is forced in a rearward direction.
Steering is achieved by changing the direction of the water stream as it leaves the jet unit. Pointing the jet stream one
way forces the stern of the boat in the opposite direction which puts the vessel into a turn.
Reverse is achieved by lowering an astern deflector (E) into the jetstream after it leaves the nozzle. This reverses the
direction of the force generated by the jet stream, forward and down, to keep the boat stationary or propel it in the astern
The Manual Thruster Window contains two bar graphs (thrust and direction – see figure 6.13) and two numerical
displays (Figure 6.14), showing the demand (green) and actual (yellow) values for thrust and direction.
The following notation is used:
means starboard,
means portside.
Figure 6.13: Waterjet Bar Graphs
Figure 6.14: Waterjet Numerical Displays
Thruster View (Auto Thruster Window)
For each thruster,
NAVIS NavDP 4000
displays a thruster view accordingly to the thruster type.
The thrusters’ layout on the Thruster View is similar to the thrusters’ arrangement on the vessel.
Thruster view is shown accordingly to the orientation of the Operator
Thruster View contains for each thruster:
– the bar graph which shows the demand (green) and actual (yellow) values (command and feedback).
Doc. 000.JDP-10000-OME, rev.3.3.13/“2102.$–17A-Advanced”