End user agrees to use this product in compliance with all State and Federal laws. NAV-TV Corp. would not be held liable for
misuse of its product. If you do not agree, please discontinue use immediately and return product to place of purchase. This product is
intended for off-road use and passenger entertainment only.
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P a g e
Q5: Will the OPTI-1 work with any aftermarket head unit?
A5: Yes, as long as the unit is capable of a full range RCA pre-amplified audio output and a
remote amplifier turn on.
Q6: I purchased an aftermarket steering wheel control interface and cannot get it to work.
A6: Steering wheel controls in every compatible vehicle are on the CAN network. CAN High is
brown/red and CAN low is brown in a twisted pair at the audio gateway. Please contact the
manufacturer of the device for support.
Q7: Will the OPTI-1 work with any vehicle that is not listed as being compatible?
A7: No, the OPTI-1 is only compatible with the listed model and year vehicles.
Q8: After reading the installation manual owner and over I am still having problems. What
should I do?
A8: Our highly trained technical support staff can be reached Monday through Friday, 9 A.M. to
6 P.M. EST, at 1-866-477-3336 x 2 (Toll free USA and Canada) or 1-561-955-9770 x 2 (local and