Kayak maintenance : rince your boat on the inside and outside after
each outing at sea. Rub with a sponge to get the salt away. Wash it
with soapy water if necessary. Dry it carefully before storing it in its
bag for a long period of time.
Disassembly of the kayak : do the other way round. Deflate the
stabilairs. Get the cockpit rim off, then the floorboards. Disassemble
the the three half center crossrib. Release the central tension, pulling
on the lever. Grab the gunwales and disconnect them. Do the same
for the stringers. Take the kayak by its front handle and slap the skin
and shake the kayak. It will help a sticking frame to get free of the
skin. Get the front half frame out, then the rear. Disassemble the
Fold the skin on its side, the deck on the inside. The kayak has to be
dry, if you have to fold it while still being humid, don’t delay to get it
out of its bag to avoid moisture.