display Functions
The following describes the display functions and specifications for the Commercial
Series TreadClimber
TC916 .
calories -
Provides a current total of the number of calories burned during a workout. Note:
this number is only an approximation as a user’s caloric expenditure will vary
significantly based on a person’s age, gender, weight and metabolism.
calories/hour -
Provides the rate at which calories are burned per hour at the current speed and
treadle displacement. This is an optional function that will need to be selected
from the Owner Cardio Console Code.
distance -
Provides a cumulative total of the equivalent distance, in miles (or kilometers if
your display is set to metric units), you have traveled.
heart rate -
Current heart rate is displayed in beats per minute next to the heart icon, in the
lower display, upper right area.
interval time -
The interval time is displayed in the lower display, upper left area. The interval
timer counts down the remaining time within each interval.
mets -
Gives you the relative energy cost of exercise. MET stands for multiple of the
resting metabolic rate. While you are sitting quietly, your body consumes oxygen
at the rate of about 3.5 milliliters per kilogram of body mass per minute. When
you exercise, your body needs more oxygen in order to function. For example,
exercising at 10 METs requires ten times the resting rate of oxygen consumption,
or about 35 milliliters per kilogram per minute. During a workout, the display
shows the current MET level. During the workout summary, the average MET
level is displayed. This is an optional function that will need to be selected from
the Owner Cardio Console Code.
Pace -
Displays the walking/running pace in minutes per mile (or minutes per kilometer),
or the time it will take you to complete one mile (or one kilometer) at your current
rate. Pace is shown in the top text line in the display window. This is an optional
function that will need to be selected from the Owner Cardio Console Code.