Muscles worked:
This exercise strengthens
and develops the muscles of your buttocks
area (gluteus maximus). Remember, there is
no such thing as
spot reduction
. This exercise
will not remove fat from this area, but it will
strengthen and build these muscles.
Starting position:
Facing the machine.
Secure the cuff around the foot.
Bend over 30 - 45 degrees from your hips
(not your waist) and very slightly bend the
knee of your support leg.
Keep your spine in good posture, with your
chest lifted, abs tight and maintain a very
slight arch in your lower back.
Initiate the movement by tightening your
glutes. Extend your hip by moving your
entire leg backward.
Slowly move your leg as far as you can,
without allowing ANY movement to occur at
your waist.
Then slowly return to the starting position.
Key points:
Make sure all of your motion occurs at your
hip, NOT your waist or low back.
Keep your abs tight throughout the entire
Maintain exactly the same bend in the knee
of your moving leg throughout the entire
— Knee stabilized in flexion
Muscles worked:
This exercise is great for
emphasizing the muscles of your lower leg
or calf (gastrocnemius and soleus), which
are responsible for raising and lowering your
heels at the ankle joint. Strength and power
in these muscles are essential for all sports
and daily activities.
Starting position:
Seated in leg press station.
Feet should be at shoulder width apart with
the balls of your feet just below the foot plate.
Legs should be straight but knees
not locked.
Bending only at the ankles, allow the foot
plate to come back to a comfortable stretch
position on the calf muscles.
Extend your toes as far as possible as if
standing on your toes to reach for something.
Slowly return to the starting position always
maintaining proper posture.
Key points:
Do not allow foot plate to fall back quickly.
Do not change your hip or knee position,
ONLY ankle motion should be allowed.
— Ankle Plantarflexion (knee stabilized in slight flexion)
Leg Exercises