Olympic Circumstraint
Intended Use
The Olympic Circumstraint is intended for the tempo-
rary immobilization of infants during circumcision
and other procedures, such as transfusions, minor
surgery, x-rays, and placement of scalp IVs.
Using the Circumstraint
Required items:
Arm straps, 8-in. (x2)
Leg straps, 10-in. (x2)
To install the straps:
Thread the arm straps through the upper slots.
Thread the leg straps in the lower slots.
Ensure that the Velcro® hooks are facing out, away
from the infant’s skin.
Figure 1
Installing the Velcro straps
To immobilize the infant:
Place the infant in the tray. Position the straps as
near as possible to the elbows and knees.
To fasten the straps: Gently press one end of the
strap on the infant’s arm or leg, while bringing the
opposite end of the strap across the top, then
snugly fasten the Velcro® strap (Figure 2).
Figure 2
Immobilizing the infant
To position for circumcision:
The infant’s perineum should rest against the
raised platform between his legs (Figure 3). This
elevates the genitalia for the procedure.
For smaller infants, place a folded towel under the
hips for additional elevation.
Figure 3
Positioning for circumcision
Only use this device under the direct super-
vision of a licensed medical practitioner.
The infant should be under continuous
observation when immobilized.
Use of non-Olympic straps is not recom-
mended and may lead to product failure.
Damage resulting from using straps
purchased from other manufacturers is not
covered by the product warranty.
Arm straps (x2)
Leg straps (x2)