Take-apart paddles offer the ability to change blade angle (“feather”) to suit your preference, and are easy to store and transport. A spare paddle is
good to have as well. It can be an inexpensive take-apart paddle that can be stowed easily on deck.
PFD – Personal Flotation Device
A comfortable and securely-fitting PFD is an absolutely essential paddling accessory that should be worn when you’re in your kayak. Try your PFD on before you make a purchase,
to be sure it fits comfortably. Swing your arms and rotate your torso to make sure you can move your arms freely without feeling restricted. If it does, adjust the outfitting or try
another model / size.
If you will be wearing a spray skirt or have a short torso, wear your pfd while sitting in a boat: it should not ride up more than an inch or two, and someone should be able to pick
you up by its shoulders without it lifting up over your head.
Safety Equipment
You should consider carrying a bilge pump to rid the interior of standing water that can destabilize your ride. United States Coast Guard regulations require an audible signal device
(horn or whistle) on all watercraft.
Note: Safety equipment is not worth much unless you know how to use it. We recommend that you obtain qualified instruction and practice under controlled, comfortable condi-
Personal Gear
If you have additional questions about your new product from Native Watercraft or would like to learn about any of our suggested accessories, please ask your dealer.
They will be happy to help you get to your next day on the water safely, and soon!
Native Watercraft
The following should also be considered:
A dry set of clothes, if the weather will not dry you quickly after a capsize
Weather radio
Global positioning device (GPS)
Cell phone
Navigation charts
Repair kit
Duct tape
Vise grips
Spare cord
The following is a list of items that you should keep with you on every trip
in a dry storage bag or case:
drinking water
a brimmed hat and sunglasses
insect repellent
waterproof flashlight
matches or a lighter
a first aid kit