887 Challenger Series |
www.natvac.com | 800.253.5500
Recommended Lubricant ______________________________________
• We recommend that turbine oil be used in our pumps. Turbine oil
is much more resistant to breakdown due to heat than normal motor
oil, thereby avoiding the problems associated with motor oil such as
lacquering and excessive wear.
Acceptable oils include:
1. * NVE ISO 150 Oil
2. Shell Turbo T ISO 100
3. Mobil D.T.E. Heavy - ISO 100
4. Texaco Regal R & O ISO 150
* NVE ISO 150 Oil is our recommended pump oil for the
Challenger series vacuum pumps. Challenger Vacuum Pump Oil is sold
by the case, six-1 gallon containers of oil per case.
Ballast Valve System ____________________________________________
• The Challenger 887 Vacuum Pump features an integral ballast air
cooling system. It works by allowing cooling air to enter the pump
at higher vacuum levels just prior to the exhaust port. This allows
the pump to dissipate the heat produced by friction. The overall
result is cooling of the housing and rotor will no appreciable drop in
vacuum level. At lower vacuums, sufficient air is moving through the
pump to accommodate heat dissipation. The ballast valve features an
integral check system that automatically opens once a predetermined
vacuum level has been reached (usually between 15” Hg and 18”
Hg). An integral ballast silencer is included on the Challenger 887 to
significantly reduce the enhanced pump noise produced when the
ballast valve is open. Inclusion of the ballast system greatly enhances
the 887’s duty cycle and the 887 should never be run for extended
periods above 18” Hg without the allowance of ballast air.
Make certain all guards are in place prior to running your pump.
Think Safety!