(Confidential) Revision 1.2
1.5.10 Low Battery Warning
This application warns the user when the battery is about
to run out of power. Upon seeing this warning, plug in the
AC adapter. If the adapter is not plugged in at this time,
the tablet will automatically power off within minutes.
1.5.11 DECT Monitor (DECT-based systems only)
The DECT Monitor allows the user to interact with the
DECT-based base station. This is the application used to
scan for DECT-based base stations in the proximity of the
tablet, register the tablet and base station with each other,
and modify the PIN numbers used in the registration pro-
cess. This application only appears on systems shipped
with the DECT-based base stations.
1.5.12 Internet Dialer (DECT-based systems only)
The Internet Dialer is used to setup and establish connec-
tions to a Internet Service Provider (ISP). The application
is capable of storing information for multiple ISPs. See
section "Adding a New Dial-up Account" for details
on how to configure a new ISP.
System Configuration
The tablet has several configuration options that can be
modified. To enter the system configuration mode, touch
the sailing ship/toolbox icon in the upper left corner of the
web browser. The options that appear on the screen are:
• WebPAD Configuration
- Browser
- Buttons
- Radio
- Version
Selecting any of the configuration option links takes the
user to a screen where modifications can be made.
The Browser Configuration page contains links to configu-
ration screens for customizing the browser. The options
• Browser Configuration
- Cache
- Fonts
- Colors
- Network
Selecting one of these links takes the user to a screen
where component configurations can be modified.
This screen allows the user to modify the settings for the
browser cache. Configuration settings for the cache are
as shown in Figure 2.
Max Connections - Specifies the maximum number of
simultaneously open TCP/IP connections to the Internet.
Number of Pages to Cache - Specifies the number of
pages to cache locally. Increasing the number will speed
up the time it takes to open previously visited pages. How-
ever, caching more pages uses more memory and may
affect overall performance
Image Cache Size KB - Specifies the size of the image
cache, in kilobytes. Increasing the size of the cache allows
more images to be stored locally, thereby increasing the
rate at which previously visited pages are displayed; how-
ever, the user must be careful not to assign too much
FIGURE 2. Browser>Cache Configuration Screen
Figure 3 shows the screen that allows the user to alter the
font style and text size. Three options of text feature modi-
fication are available: Font style, font size and underlining
of links. After making changes, touch “Update” to imple-
ment the changes.
Underline Links - Specifies whether the links incorpo-
rated in a web page are underlined. If the box is colored,
links are underlined; if not colored, the links are not under-
User Text Size [0-4] - Specifies the default font size. The
font size can be changed by touching the font size icon but
will revert to the configuration value upon each restart.
Body Font, Heading Font, and Fixed Font - Specifies
the font styles (“times”, for Times Roman, “helv”, for Hel-
vetica or “cour” for Courier) available.
Browser Configuration
Max connections:
Number of pages to cache:
Image cache size KB:
Browser Configuration
WebPAD Configuration