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Revision 1.0, 8/2001 

First, set up your environment for code 
development.  Refer to the IDE Help files for 
information and tutorials.  National’s COP8 IDE 
supports a complete set of tools, including 
Simulator, COP8-EM/DM Emulator Debugger, 
Aisys’ DriveWay COP8 (optional), and Byte 
Craft C-Compiler (optional). 

Options for starting code development: 


Browse the CD for app notes and existing 
source code that match your desired 
application.  Use and modify as needed. 


Browse the CD for source code example 
modules to build your application in pieces. 
(Start with the COP8 Utilities code 
samples).  Mix and match as needed. 


Start from scratch using the COP8 
Assembler (or optional C-Compiler). 




You have two methods of downloading your 
simulated code to the COBALT board for test 
and debug: 



Real-time Emulator -  


between the COP8-EM/DM emulator and your 
PC is via the RS232 interface.   

a. Remove the 40DIP COP8SGR7 from the 

COBALT board, and connect the emulator 
cable to the empty 40 pin DIP socket.  

b. From the COP8 IDE, execute the emulator 

Debugger software.  The debugger is used to 
download your source code file into the 
emulator, for execution and debug.   




OTP/EPROM Programmer – 

A wide 

variety of programmers from National and other 
third-party vendors are available.  The COP8-
PM-00 Engineering Programmer from National 

is an ideal solution.  In addition to the procedure 
below, there are other methods of creating a 
programmer .hex file (refer to:  AppDM4.PDF): 

a. Remove the 40DIP COP8SGR7Q3 from the 

COBALT board, and erase for at least 15-30 
minutes under a standard UV eraser. 

b. Confirm that the ECON is correctly declared 

in your assembly source code file.   

c. Use the PROMCOP.exe utility to create an 

INTEL .hex file.  Make sure you add the 
ECON directive, so the ECON data is 
properly added to the .hex file (The default is 
no ECON). 

d.  Download the resulting INTEL .hex file to any 

programmer that supports the COP8SGR740 
DIP device.   

e. Re-insert the programmed device into the 

40DIP socket on the COBALT board. 






After your code is downloaded into the target 
COP8, the COBALT target board is ready for 
stand-alone operation and test probing. If you 
are using a COP8 emulator, then the emulator is 
left installed for interactive debugging.  
The COBALT target board has a 10MHz crystal 
for real-time operation, with an onboard Reset 
pushbutton (SW1) for easy Reset/Restart. 
LEDs and Switches are provided for I/O 
stimulus and visual debug.  Test connections for 

each of the device’s 40 pins are brought out for 
easy probing, or connection to external circuits.   
A Microwire/PLUS interface, and an RS232 
connector are provided for external serial 
communications, along with a variety of I/O 
connections and probe points.  
If you are not using an emulator, when you are 
ready to download another version of the code, 
you must remove and erase the COP8, re-program 
and re-install in the on-board socket. 



COP8 OTP/ROM Prototyping Kit QuickStart -


