National Instruments Corporation
amplifier output referencing mode. See signal
referencing modes.
analog circuitry for RTDs
analog input channels
description, 4-24
sense and current output channel
analog input modes
configuration (table), 3-52
description, 3-53
configuration (table), 3-52
description, 3-53
recommended modes for DAQ devices, 3-3
configuration (table), 3-52
description, 3-53
analog input modules
overview, 1-17
SCXI signal routing (figure), 1-18
analog module configuration, 3-2
floating signal sources, 3-3
ground-referenced signals, 3-3
SCXI-1100, 3-4
SCXI-1102/B/C, 3-7
SCXI-1112, 3-8
SCXI-1120/D, 3-8, 3-9
SCXI-1121, 3-14
SCXI-1122, 3-23
SCXI-1124, 3-26
SCXI-1125, 3-28
SCXI-1126, 3-29
SCXI-1140, 3-29
SCXI-1141, 3-32
analog output channel signal connections for
connecting DAC channel as voltage output
current loop connection, load and external
supply grounded (figure), 4-31
DAC channel connection as current output
external loop supply (figure), 4-30
internal loop supply (figure), 4-29
attaching to SCXI module and chassis, 2-3
illustration, 2-4
problems and solutions, A-4
available cable assemblies (table), 1-14
calibration hardware
RTD analog input channels, 4-25
channels, synchronizing, 4-33
chassis ground connections, 4-31
cold-junction compensation, 4-5
common questions and problems, A-2
communication modes
parallel mode, 3-37
serial mode, 3-37
ComponentWorks software, 1-16
floating signal sources, 3-3
ground-referenced signal source, 3-3