Chapter 1
Introduction to SCXI
National Instruments Corporation
Analog and Digital Output Modules
Digital SCXI modules include the SCXI-116X modules. Digital SCXI
modules can operate in either serial mode or parallel mode. In serial mode,
the SCXI system uses a maximum of four digital output lines and one
digital input line of the DAQ device to control and monitor multiple digital
modules. The plug-in device serially writes digital patterns to set the state
of the digital output lines or relays, or serially reads patterns from the
modules to determine the state of the digital input lines. In parallel
mode, each SCXI digital I/O line corresponds to a digital I/O line of
the DAQ device.
The SCXI-1162, SCXI-1162HV, SCXI-1163, and SCXI-1163R can
operate in parallel mode. The SCXI-1160 and SCXI-1161 operate only in
serial mode. Refer to Chapter 3,
Configuring Your SCXI Hardware and
, for more information.
The SCXI-1124 is a 6-channel isolated analog output module. As with
the digital I/O modules, the SCXI-1124 is programmed serially by
the DAQ device using a maximum of four digital output lines and one
digital input line.