© National Instruments
This appendix contains the specifications and dimensions for RMX programmable power
Unless specified otherwise, the specifications are for the following settings and conditions.
Loads are pure resistive loads.
The warm-up time is 30 minutes (with current flowing).
After the RMX device has been warmed up, it must be calibrated correctly in a 23 °C ± 5 °C
environment according to the procedures given in the operation manual.
Values indicated by “TYP” are typical values. They are not guaranteed performance values.
Values indicated by “rtg” are rated values.
Values indicated by “rdng” are readout values.
The RMX operates over a wide range of output voltage and output current within rated
output power. However, the current that can be output with rated output voltage and the
voltage that can be output with rated output current are limited by the rated output power.
The current that can be output with rated output voltage and the voltage that can be output
with rated output current are as follows.
Maximum output current with rated output voltage = Rated output power/rated output
Maximum output voltage with rated output current = Rated output power/rated output
Rated load and no load are defined as follows:
In constant-voltage mode (when the output current is set to a value greater than or equal to
the maximum output current with rated output voltage)
Rated load
—Refers to a resistive load that results in 95% to 100% of the maximum
output current flowing when the output is set to the rated voltage level.
No load
—Refers to a load through which no output current flows. In other words, no
load is connected.
In constant-current mode (when the output voltage is set to a value greater than or equal to
the maximum output voltage with rated output current).
Rated load
—Refers to a resistive load that results in 95% to 100% of the maximum
output voltage across the output terminals when the output is set to the rated current
level. Including the voltage drop in the load cables, the RMX output voltage must not
exceed the maximum output voltage with rated output current.