PXIe-4302/4303 and TB-4302C Calibration Procedure
You might find the following documents helpful as you perform the calibration procedure.
NI PXIe-4302/4303 and TB-4302/4302C User Guide and Terminal Block Specifications
NI PXIe-4302/4303 User Manual
NI PXIe-4302/4303 Specifications
NI-DAQmx Readme
NI-DAQmx Help
LabVIEW Help
NI-DAQmx C Reference Help
NI-DAQmx .NET Help Support for Visual Studio
PXIe-4302/4303 Verification and Adjustment
This section provides information for verifying and adjusting the PXIe-4302/4303.
Test Equipment
Table 1 lists the equipment recommended for the performance verification and adjustment
procedures of the PXIe-4302/4303. If the recommended equipment is not available, select a
substitute using the requirements listed in Table 1.
Table 1.
Recommended Equipment for PXIe-4302/4303 Verification
and Adjustment
Recommended Model
Use a DMM that has an
accuracy of 13 ppm or better
when measuring the 10 V
range, an accuracy of
30 ppm or better when
measuring the 100 mV
range, and an offset error of
V or better at 0 V.
PXI Express Chassis
If this chassis is unavailable,
use another PXI Express
chassis, such as the
PXIe-1082 or PXIe-1078.