National Instruments Corporation
LabWindows/CVI PID Control Toolkit User Manual
The Instrument Society of America (ISA), the organization that sets standards for process
control instrumentation in the United States, offers a catalog of books, journals, and training
materials to teach you the basics of process control programming.
The Corripio (1990) publication is an ISA Independent Learning Module book. It is organized
as a self-study program covering measurement and control techniques, selection of
controllers, and advanced control techniques. This book provides detailed tuning procedures.
The following material is referenced in this manual:
Corripio, A. B. 1990.
Tuning of Industrial Control Systems
. Raleigh, North Carolina: ISA.
Ziegler, J. G. and N. B. Nichols. 1942. “Optimum Settings for Automatic Controllers.”
Trans. ASME