NI PXIe-5601 Calibration Procedure
16. Set the NI 5601 center frequency according to the
NI 5601 Center Frequency
value in
Table 15 using the Center Span instance of the niRFSA Configure Spectrum Frequency VI
or the
17. Tune the spectrum analyzer to a frequency that satisfies the following equation:
Spectrum Analyzer Frequency
IF Output Frequency
RF Input Frequency
NI 5601 Center Frequency
18. Record the spectrum analyzer peak marker power as
Spectrum Analyzer Power
. You do not
need to correct this reading for the
IF Calibration Factor
19. Normalize the response to the appropriate IF output frequency to satisfy the following
NI 5601 Normalized Response
= (
Spectrum Analyzer power
) -
Spectrum Analyzer Power at IF Center Frequency
20. Compare the
NI 5601 Normalized Response
to the test limits
in Table 16.
21. Repeat steps 16 to 20 for all NI 5601 center frequency values for the given
IF Output
(row) in Table 15.
22. Repeat steps 9 to 21 for all IF output frequencies in Table 15.
NI recommends keeping your RF signal generator enabled when repeating
steps unless making a connection change. Keeping the signal generator enabled
reduces the wear on the RF signal generator relays. After making a connection
change and enabling your generator, wait 5 seconds for the system to settle.
23. Close the NI 5601 session using the niRFSA Close VI or the
Gain Compression Verification
Connect the NI 5601 IF OUT connector to the spectrum analyzer input through the
3.5 mm-to-3.5 mm cable.
Connect the RF source to the power splitter input through the 3.5 mm-to-3.5 mm cable.
Table 16.
Instantaneous Bandwidth Verification Test Limits
RF Frequency
IF Output
IF Response (Relative to IF Output Frequency)
As-Found Limit
As-Left Limit
10 MHz to
<120 MHz
187.5 MHz
±3.0 dB over ±2.5 MHz
±6.0 dB over ±5 MHz
±5.9 dB over -5 MHz to <-2.5 MHz
±2.9 dB over ±2.5 MHz
±5.9 dB over >2.5 MHz to 5 MHz
120 MHz to
<330 MHz
53 MHz
±3.0 dB over ±10 MHz
±2.9 dB over ±10 MHz
330 MHz to
6.6 GHz
187.5 MHz
±3.0 dB over ±25 MHz
±2.9 dB over ±25 MHz