NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
LACS, 7-12, B-5
LOK, B-3
programming considerations, 3-5 to 3-7
REM, B-4
RQS, B-3
status word layout (table), 3-6, B-1
TACS, 7-12, B-4
string syntax, in Interactive Control utility,
6-4 to 6-5
stuck SRQ state, 7-13
System Controller, A-1
TACS status word condition
bit position, hex value, and type
(table), 3-6
description, B-4
Talker/Listener applications, 7-12
talk address, A-2
Talker/Listener applications, 7-11 to 7-12
Talkers, A-1
technical support resources, F-1 to F-2
termination methods, errors caused by, 4-5
termination of data transfers, 7-1 to 7-2
TestSRQ routine, 7-15
timing errors, 4-4
TIMO status word condition
bit position, hex value, and type
(table), 3-6
description, B-2
troubleshooting and common questions. See
also debugging; NI Spy utility.
online problem-solving and diagnostic
resources, F-1
using Measurement & Automation
Explorer, 2-4
Windows 98/95, D-1 to D-8
common questions, D-5 to D-8
Device Manager device status
code, D-3
EDVR error conditions, D-1 to D-2
enabling interrupts, D-4 to D-5
Windows 2000/NT, E-1 to E-3
turn OFF display (-) function, Interactive
Control utility, 6-9
turn ON display (+) function, Interactive
Control utility, 6-10
Visual Basic programming instructions, 3-12
WaitSRQ routine, 7-15
Web support from National Instruments,
F-1 to F-2
online problem-solving and diagnostic
resources, F-1
software-related resources, F-2
Win32 and Win16 NI-488.2 applications
asynchronous event notification,
7-4 to 7-9
running, 3-17
running existing applications, 3-17
writing multithreaded applications,
7-9 to 7-10
Windows 98/95
autopolling and interrupts, 7-14
changing GPIB device templates, 2-12
enabling/disabling NI-488.2 DOS
support, 2-13 to 2-14
running existing DOS NI-488.2
applications, 3-17