National Instruments Corporation
4-wire ohms measurement mode
purpose and use, 2-2
range selection, 2-2
AC noise effects, minimizing
DC voltage measurement, 2-13
RTDs, thermistors, and resistors, 2-26
thermocouples, 2-10
accuracy specifications
calculation examples, A-6
DC voltage (table), A-4
resistance (table), A-5
RTD (tables), A-3
thermistor (table), A-4
thermocouple (table), A-1
amplifier characteristics, A-7
analog input specifications
amplifier characteristics, A-7
dynamic characteristics, A-7
excitation, A-8
input characteristics, A-6
auto-zero optimization
DC voltage measurement, 2-12
RTDs, thermistors, and resistors, 2-24
thermocouples, 2-9
bus interface specifications, A-9
calibration certificate (NI resources), C-2
Callendar-Van Dusen coefficients (table), 2-16
compensation methods, 2-7
effect of (figure), 2-7
CompactPCI, using with PXI, 1-2
current source, 2-27
DC voltage accuracy (table), A-4
DC voltage measurement
connecting DC voltage signal, 2-11
input ranges, 2-11
optimizing measurements
AC noise effects, 2-13
auto-zero method, 2-12
programmable gound-referencing, 2-12
programmable open-thermocouple
source impedance, 2-12
thermal EMF, 2-13
Declaration of Conformity (NI resources), C-1
diagnostic tools (NI resources), C-1
digital I/O and alarm output specifications, A-8
digital inputs and outputs
connecting, 2-28
DIO application examples (figure), 2-29
inadequate number of input lines
logic family thresholds (table), 2-30
preventing safety hazards (caution), 2-29
documentation, NI resources, C-1
drivers (NI resources), C-1
dynamic characteristics, A-7