National Instruments Corporation
GPIB-232CV-A. See also operation of
AC front panel, 1-3
GPIB connector, 1-8
inspecting for damage, 1-3
optional equipment, 1-2
overview, 1-1
rear panel, 1-5
requirements for getting started, 1-2
RS-232 connector, 1-7
side panels, 1-6 to 1-8
top panel, 1-4 to 1-5
GTL (Go To Local) command, 3-3
DCE (Data Communications Equipment)
interfacing with handshaking,
B-3 to B-4
interfacing without handshaking,
B-4 to B-6
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment)
interfacing with handshaking,
B-6 to B-7
interfacing without handshaking,
B-7 to B-9
hardware handshaking, 3-11 to 3-12
overview, 3-11
XON/XOFF software handshaking, 3-12
HP7475 GPIB plotter, connecting to PC serial
port (example), C-3 to C-4
IFC* signal, asserted in C mode, 3-7
installation, 2-6 to 2-8
connecting cables, 2-7
powering on system and switching on
GPIB-232CV-A, 2-8
shutting down your system, 2-6
verifying null-model serial cable, 2-7
LED descriptions (table), 1-4 to 1-5
<LF> termination mode, C mode
configuration, 3-9 to 3-10
LISTEN LED (table), 1-4
Listener, D Mode configuration, 3-3
Listen-only mode
purpose and use, 3-6
switch settings (figure), 3-6
manual. See documentation.
National Instruments Web support, D-1 to D-2
no-swap mode, C mode
configuration, 3-10 to 3-11
null-modem serial cable
National Instruments null-modem serial
cables (table), 2-7
verifying during installation, 2-7
online problem-solving and diagnostic
resources, D-1
operation of GPIB-232CV-A, 3-1 to 3-12
C mode overview, 3-7 to 3-11
choosing between D mode and
C mode, 3-1 to 3-2
D mode overview, 3-3 to 3-6
data buffering and handshaking
schemes, 3-11 to 3-12