Chapter 2
C Language Reference
Arithmetic Macros
The arithmetic macros perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division. The top level macros for arithmetic operations are present in the
files. These macros in turn call the ALIGN
macros that are defined either in
, depending on
whether or not they are overflow protected. The macros for addition and
subtraction also make use of addition and subtraction functions defined in
Figure 2-9 shows how the arithmetic macros are named. Notice that macro
names have no embedded spaces.
Figure 2-9.
AutoCode/C Arithmetic Macros
sr wr op _ s1 w1 _ s2 w2 p (n1,n2,rp1, rp2, rp3)
n1 = First fixed-point operand
n2 = Second fixed-point operand
rp1 = Radix position for n1
rp2 = Radix position for n2
rp3 = Radix position for result
p = Overflow protection (optional)
s2= sign of n2 (u=unsigned, s=signed)
w1 = size of n1 (b=byte, s=short, l=long)
w2= size of n2 (b=byte, s=short, l=long)
s1 = sign of n1 (u=unsigned s=signed)
op = ADD, SUB, MUL, or DIV
wr = Result wordsize (b=byte, s=short, l=long)
sr = Result sign (u=unsigned, s=signed)
_ (underscore character; part of macro name)
_ (underscore character; part of macro name)