Chapter 5
Generated Code Architecture
Example 5-21 shows template code to generate the required structure and
pointer. All of the necessary information about the shared variable blocks
is accessible from within the template using parameter information.
Example 5-21
Template Code to Generate Required Shared Variable Block Structures
@IFF multiprocessor_b@@
@shared_count = 0@@
/**** declare shared variable block structure ****/
static struct _shared_varblk {
@LOOPP k=0, k lt nvars_i, k=k plus 1@@
@IFF vars_prsr_scope_li[k] eq 2 or vars_prsr_scope_li[k] eq 3@@
@shared_count = shared 1@@
@/declare shared variable block
@vars_typ_pfix_ls[k]@ @vars_ls[k]@
@/generate dimensions, if array
@offset = vars_sfix_dim_start_li[k]@@
@LOOPP m=0, m lt vars_typ_sfix_dim_li[k], m=m plus 1@@
@offset = offset plus 1@@
@/if no varblks shared, must create a dummy element
@IFF shared_count eq 0@@
RT_INTEGER ignore;
/**** declare shared variables in shared memory ****/
struct _shared_varblk shared_var_blks;