National Communications
Page 13
This facility is used to ENCRYPT all
MP3 based Music and Message files
for use with our BMS1 devices.
T h e E n c r y p t i o n p r o c e s s i s a
d e m a n d i n g m a t h e m a t i c a l
manipulation of your original MP3 files
and can be quite time consuming.
Depending on the power of your PC,
this can take up to 1 min of processing
time, per minute of MP3 Music or
You should first navigate through to
the SOURCE FOLDER of the Music
Folder or Message File that you
require to be encrypted and then select
the folder or file to be encrypted
You should then navigate through to
Music Folder or Message File that it
will be SAVED to once they have
been encrypted
Files that have been encrypted
are renamed with the same filename,
but the extension has been changed
from .mp3 to .bms.
Ie: filename.mp3 - becomes - filename.bms
To save considerable time and effort, we recommend that you encrypt
your Music Folders (genres) in a single run.