Enable Out-of-Band DTMF
Send DTMF keys (0~9, *, #,) follow the RFC2833 rules or via
SIP Info.
Enable Hook Flash Event
VoiceCom90 is able to send Hook Flash signal to remote party
via RFC2833 or SIP Info if ticked.
Payload Type
Payload type of RFC2833.
CPT/Cadence Settings
VC-91-1 VC-91-2 VC-92-1 VC-92-2 VC-92-3
x x x x
Busy Tone Cadence Measurement
CPT/Cadence setting parameters serve as the basis of an FXO interface to determine whether or
not a PSTN-call receiving party has hung up the phone. If the following parameters differ from
the parameters of the actual assigned lines, it could cause the FXO to continue to engage a line.
Auto Learning
FXO will learn the busy tone automatically.
BTC Detection Sensitivity
The more sensitivity, the more quickly the system will cut off
the call. If the system often cut off an un-finished call, select
less sensitivity.