V. Macro definition
Macro is a series of actions that you can bind to the keyboard. More precisely, macro is a recorded sequ-
ence of key presses, releases and time delays between them. Output delays can be recorded or predefi-
ned by user.
How to define a Macro?
1. Click a programmable key, click “Macro”;
2. Click “set up a new macro”;
3. input the name into the text box;
4. select a new macro, adjust the cycle time and auto delay, click “start recording”, enter the key sequen-
ce, click “stop recording”;
5. “Apply”.
After the recording, you can edit single elemnts of the macro. Just right-click on certain action label
(i.e. button press) and choose proper option from the context menu.
start Record before – starts recording macro before the chosen action;
start Record after – starts recording macro after the chosen action;
insert Delay – inserts an action time delay defined by the user;
Edit Delay – edits the action time delay.
VI. Browser functions
1. Click a programmable key, click “Browser”;
2. select the function, click “Apply”.