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DS5 Plus
is provided with ONE (or an Option for TWO) internally fitted relays which
can be used to control ONE LOCK, or the Optional Second Relay is ordered, it can
control TWO LOCKS or and ONE OTHER DEVICE such as a Video Camera,
Recorder or Light. Relay Specification - Dry Relay Contacts rated at 12V/1Amp.
Do not use the supplied DS5 Plus Controller 12V plug pack to also provide 12V power for
the lock, as this may cause damage to DS5 Plus. You must use a separate 12V source, with
a maximum rating of 12V/1A.
To OPEN the Door/Gate Lock after answering a call from your DOOR PHONE you
need to press
on your telephone. The lock will remain open for 15 seconds (Default
setting). It can be set from 01-99 secs.
Your Door/Gate Lock can also be OPENED at any time by calling the
DS5 Plus
Extension Number and pressing
. The Door/Gate Lock will remain UNLOCKED for
15 seconds (can be 01-99 secs). You do not need to receive a call from the Door
Phone first.
To OPEN the ALTERNATIVE Door/Gate Lock after answering a call from your
DOOR PHONE you need to press
on your telephone. The lock will remain open
until you HANG UP your telephone.
Your ALTERNATIVE Door/Gate Lock can also be OPENED at any time by picking
up any telephone and dialling
. The Door/Gate Lock will be LOCKED as soon as
you hang up. You do not need to receive a call from the Door Phone first.
With the LOCK 2 facility, you can also call into
DS5 Plus
, press
and then HANG
UP at any time, which will CLOSE the Internal Relay and leave it closed.
You can also call into
DS5 Plus
, press *4 and then HANG UP at any time, which
will OPEN the Internal Relay and leave it open.