After each use, clean the NasoNeb Sinus Therapy System.
1. Unplug the Compressor
2. Disconnect the Cup Assembly from the Supply Tubing
3. Disassemble the Cup Assembly and wash the Cup and Insert in warm soapy water
4. Wipe the Supply Tubing and Compressor with a damp cloth
5. Set components aside to dry between uses
6. You may rinse the Cup and Insert with hydrogen peroxide or isopropyl alcohol
Replace Supply Tubing and Cup Assembly with a Model 7080 NasoNeb Sinus Therapy
System Supply Kit every 6-12 months or every 730 cleaning cycles. Store the NasoNeb
Sinus Therapy System in a dry place.
– Avoid the use of harsh detergents or cleaning agents. These may damage
the plastic components, cause fogging or other undesirable effects. Do not wash in
the dishwasher.
– Do not allow water to enter the Supply Tubing.
– If water enters or condensation forms in the Supply Tubing, connect
one end of the Supply Tubing to the Compressor and run the Compressor until the
condensation evaporates.
The Compressor has a filter installed in the Filter Holder. There are additional filters
included in the system. Check the filter every 6 months or 720 minutes of use. If it is
dirty, replace the filter. Additional filters can be acquired from NasoNeb, Inc. or where
you purchased the NasoNeb System.
1. Pull the Filter Holder out of the compressor (the Filter Holder pulls straight out)
2. Remove the filter from the Filter Holder
3. If the filter is discolored, replace with a new filter, otherwise, put the filter back
into the Filter Holder
4. Insert the Filter Holder back into the compressor before using