6. Files are now installed. As the software is specific to Nasa engines, the normal
software registration has been supressed.
7. A short-cut will be installed on the desktop, provided you use the default value
path as above.
That's it – all done!
Install the receiver (“Engine”) and antenna in accordance with the instructions. Power-up
the receiver and leave for a while (this can be several hours, depending on your location)
to store a few messages.
Connect the serial cable supplied between the receiver and your PC/laptop, either direct to
a suitable serial COM port, or via the serial-to-USB adaptor supplied. If using the adaptor,
this must have been installed, with its drivers, in line with the manufacturer's instructions. If
your cable has a blue “fly” lead, this is not used on Navtex and can be ignored. Tuck it
away or cut it off and ensure it is not shorting to anything
Step 1.
Click “SET PORT AND CHANNELS” and “Auto-search”. The software will
search port settings 1 to 16 for the Engine, and will stop and display a green “Connected “
message if it finds it. Click “Save” and “Finish”, and “Yes” when prompted to implement
settings changes.
Step 2.
Click “Poll Engine for Messages” to download stored messages.
You will see lines of messages being displayed as the download progresses. After about 40
seconds “end” will be shown in the display bar and the messages will be displayed after a
short processing delay.
You are now up and running. There is a full description of the available facilities in the “Help”
file, which you can call up by pressing “F1” or choosing “help” from the menu