Meteoman is a precision instrument able to display barometric pressure,
ambient temperature, a real time clock, a stopwatch, a race countdown
timer, a seven day barograph, and a graph showing 24 hour pressure
trend. When connected to the NASA NMEA masthead unit the instrument
will also display the wind speed, wind direction ( analogue and digital)
air temperature and a seven day anemograph.
Alternatively the Meteoman can be connected to the NMEA output of a
NASA Clipper wind instrument. Meteoman consumes very little power
and has a sleep mode which keeps the real time clock running and
continues to log wind speed and atmospheric pressure.
Meteoman is designed to be panel mounted and is supplied with
a 12 volt fused cable. An optional cradle mount is available direct
from NASA Marine.
The Meteoman is not waterproof and should only be cabin mounted.
Select a convenient position for the display on a panel or bulkhead.
The site must be flat and the cavity behind the panel must remain dry
at all times.
Cut a hole in the panel 103mm high by 143mm wide. Unscrew the
wing nut from the rear of the Meteoman and take off the mounting clamp.
Fit the 'O' ring in the groove on the rear and place the unit in the hole in
the panel.
Refit the mounting clamp, replace and finger tighten the wing nut.
Plug the fused power cable into the socket on the rear of the unit and
connect to 12 volts.
(The red wire to positive and the wire with the black stripe to negative.
The unit is protected against reverse polarity).