External electrical interference is characterised by persistent, random numbers
on the display which obscure the true depth reading on the depth sounder.
This is caused by large amplitude voltage "spikes" generally associated with the
engine's alternator and/or ignition system which has not been properly sup-
pressed. These "spikes" may find their way into the sensitive amplifier section of
the depth sounder in two ways:
(a) Through the craft's common power supply or
(b) Through direct radiation from the source of interference.
To reduce the possibility of induced interference from the engine's generator
and/or ignition system choose a position as far away from the engine as possible
and run the cable from the transducer as far as practicable from the engine.
Do NOT cut the transducer cable, but stow excess away from any possible
source of electrical interference.
Connect the black wire to the negative supply and the red wire to the positive via
a 250 milli-amp fuse. The red wire of the alarm is also connected to the positive
supply whilst the black wire connects to the green wire from the display unit. The
alarm is not watertight and must be mounted in a protected position. Plug the
transducer into the socket on the display unit.
Various operational parameters need to be set into the memory prior to use to
get the best from your Cruiser depth sounder. Once set, these parameters are
permanent and are not likely to require adjustment.
Most depth sounders measure the depth below the transducer. It is often more
convenient to display the depth below the keel. A facility has been included
where the vertical distance between the transducer face and the bottom of the
keel (the keel offset) can be programmed into the unit. The unit then reads the
true depth below the keel. (On delivery the keel offset is zero so the unit will read
the depth below transducer).
A quick press of the ENTER key will turn on the back light. A further quick press of
the ENTER key will turn the back light off.