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Thermal protection of the floor in front of the sauna woodburning stove:
A floor consisting of combustible material must be protected with a metal sheet 
extending 100 mm to each side of the woodburning stove fire door and 400 mm to the 

Before use and installation of stones, the sauna woodburning stove must be pre-
heated to remove any protective agents. 1-2 firebox loads of wood is sufficient for 
initial heating. Ensure that the sauna room has sufficient ventilation during initial 
heating to aid removal of combustion gases generated by the burning off of protective 
agents. Initial heating can also be performed outdoors.

We recommend use of NARVI olivine diabase stones. Stack the stones in the stone 
compartment so that the biggest stones are at the bottom. In order to ensure good 
air circulation between the stones, do not stack the stones too tightly. NARVI sauna 
woodburning stove stones come ready washed and can be loaded directly into the 
sauna stove. We do not recommend use of light stone types. Sauna water used on 
the stove should always be clean. Use of seawater will reduce the service life of your 
sauna stove considerably.

Both hardwood and softwood species will provide ideal fuel for your Narvi sauna 
woodburning stove. Trees for firewood should be felled and cross-cut outside of their 
growing season. Firewood should be dried outdoors during summer months and 
transferred to dry storage before damp autumn/winter weather sets in. The amount of 
firewood stored should ideally cover one to two years worth of consumption, during 
which time the moisture content of the wood will reach < 20 %.

Always clean and empty the fire grate and ashpan first before lighting your sauna 
woodburning stove or stove. Begin lighting the woodburning stove using a small 
quantity of kindling. Once the wood is burning well, add more wood until the firebox 
is stacked about 2/3 full. To aid combustion, additional air intake can be regulated by 
adjusting the ashpan. Avoid overheating the sauna woodburning stove to the extent 
that the channels within the stone compartment remain red-hot for long periods, as 
this overloads the firebox and shortens the service life of the woodburning stove. At 
the end of your sauna bath, a low fire can be left burning in the woodburning stove to 
help dry out the sauna.

The sauna woodburning stove should be swept via the chimney sweeping hatches 
once a year to maintain the best possible flue draw. It is also recommended to check 
the condition of sauna woodburning stove stones on an annual basis and replace any 
that may have deteriorated in service.
