NameLessRC N47 FPV Racing Drone
FRSKY receiver:
1. Select D8 mode on Frsky remote control. Hold the bind key on Frsky-Nano
receiver and connect the battery, then the receiver's red light will be always on.
2. Select the BIND mode on remote control , the Frsky-Nano receiver's blue light
will flash slowly and the red light will be always on which means bind complete.
3.Enter: set sbus_inversion = off (set serialrx_inverted = on if your F3 FC is BF3.3 or
newer)on BF CLI and save.
4. Repower the Frsky-Nano receiver . The red light on it will flash very quickly
which means it receives the singal from remote control.
The receiver defaults to the BUS protocol (The non-invert signal). When using F3 and F7 flight
controller, it can be switched to SBUS protocol (The invert signal) by entering the command in BF CLI
(step 3 of the binding tutorial). When using F4 flight controller (F4 flight controller does not support
to switch signal type by entering command on CLI), if there isn
t respond in BF receiver page when
the receiver binding with remote controller successfully, please press the binding button to switch
the signal protocol after the receiver power on. After short pressing the binding button, the red or
blue light on receiver will flash 3 times. Blue light flashes 3 times means the receiver is on BUS
protocol (original default setting), the red light flashes 3 times means the receiver is on SBUS
protocol (which can be supported on most of F4 flight control).Please re-power the receiver afther
switching the protocol then the red/blue light on receiver will flash 3 times to show the current