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Summary of Contents for E


Page 2: ...UE AUDIO TAPE RECORDER INSTRUCTION MANUAL KSA code No 20 02002 151 Kudelsl i SA NAGRA TIIpEI Reeoolll Manufacture OH l033 Cheseau I SWITZERLAND pI ooe 021 731 21 21 lelel A59 302 nBgI ch telefa 02 1 731 4 1 55 May 1919 edition ...

Page 3: ot the fauny parts excluding othar indemnilies All troi t l co51s as wall as customs duty and other possible charges at 1he customer s espense Our lIUlifanlee remains valid lhe a ant of eme 9 CY rapairs or modificalions being made by lha u_ Ho av a r_I Ia lhe ighl lO wDica the ClIStomer for any damage caused by an unqualifi9d person or a lalse manoeuvre by the op8fator We decline any rasfXInsit...

Page 4: ...ll 2 7 Playback MAINTENANCE Page 1 Page 3 Pag 11 3 1 Batlef es 3 2 Cloooirlg the magnetic heads 3 3 Access to tho interior 01 the Nagre E 3 4 SimJlkllault finding CHAPTER 4 CALIBRATIO N Page 11 4 1 Catibfot of the playback chain 4 2 CaIObration of the record chain CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 NAGRA E L WITH PILOT 5 1 DeSct pUOI1 5 2 RecOfdi ll 5 3 Playback 5 4 AdjuslmOOI 5 5 Nagra E L bloc diagram SPECIFIC...

Page 5: ...oOC lp flecording ad Playback Mead Pi t wheel T I Pincl wheel cont er Righi 1 0 00 roller ra rs re ta eu ar Galvano oele Cal Joration C _ VQI line input Mic lj hooe fX Iemi meter L_ inpLII playbaCk POIeoriomel Tape lir lCl s otch l ud peaker jle1l AAaon luncMns 1e 1 HeadptJonc oulpul Ban l V tesl s tch ...

Page 6: ... tz 33 Uno input 1 1 es Power pack c M inpul as Power mOOo oeIoctor Witch So IoclOng screw aa 60 lock SCf_ o q nvnetri al lplll n M l J llone sel0ct0r sW Itch symmetrical n option ...

Page 7: ...11 and 32 and lurn 1ha NAGRA e O Ia S 1 mein luoctions seJec10r 1 0 PLAYBACK or RECORO and ch ck volIag by es8inO down Ball Test WllCt1 22 With new cells 13 8houId hc w 18 v ce ee lower _ H II e f lHtdIe n below 11 V II e oll O i insu h erlllo NAGRA E c I pow supply Throw tl 26 10 ExIemaI The P W3AA E can also be jlOIIo It8d tIy IhIo TN po which ca 10 qlUI 2 S Pow PecIl r _ 8SSO g Ban TM1 oIoII fI...

Page 8: ...e of tape II anolher type of lape is 10 be used il will t e r IIlCassary 10 re cal b al lhe machine explained in Chapter 4 2 1 1th NAGRA E remains unused lor a long period 01 lime laver 9 should not be loft in th released posihon as lhe cluldl might d I ral and become thEt SllUrco of noisy rew nding The NAGRA E is a single speed recorder availoble either in 19 cmIs 7 112 ips or 9 5 cmls 3 75 ips r...

Page 9: ...d me imun levels of the oopply voltage with batl9 ies Input ensltllllly Uppa scale The NAGRA E meter lunetm s as a mod ometer i e sllows tho peak value with fast use tme and intagratocl fall of the recorded 9 181 K incOfporateS a memory device making it possible to ead the VSlU9 d isplayed As is cuS1 l1J1ary with Vl meters graduation is only trom 20 dB 1 0 3 ee Low9r scale The NAGR E is ocauippad ...

Page 10: ...aans of an allen providoo the microphone itse is not saturated or to swifch the iopul to less s si ve posoIioo Potentiometer 17 Un lnput Playback Graduated trom 70 to 12 dB II a lape record ld at 0 dB 91 La a 320 nWblm ftux is played bad with the potootiomrrtar at 0 dB rt will giv a nominal signal 01 0 94 V at unbalanced h output 24 The moduk meter will ad 0 dB the pO lentiomal r is sal 10 12 dB f...

Page 11: ... AND CALIBRATION Po liol l allowing the calibration 01 tho r ClJr l ct IIin See ChapUII 4 2 PLAYBACK ll a sognal I a _ car be rwaO d II trwough buill ka I _ by 9 19 II he 0 4 mtd adjusled by mean of poten_ 17 Unfl Input p Mding T_ Drncr 18 is on the One posiboo FAST ltios posi ioO pem IItI I I f I ed or last Ioward 9 tIf 9 I9Ild In lui Iorwilfd Ihe 11 II IIscOOrIe te 1II is w ailable headpfIooes a...

Page 12: ...Input l v 1 of which il Idjusl d b 0 Ilicr0ph0nG poItO llioo etBf 11 ThrI npul an be I pled dilt9ren1 types ot mic rophonos by of slMld l 33 on rsil e oJ th _0 u _ _ 1 _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c_ IN o T lC8 SensiMy rmoubit oll l l Seo_ity Sourco ey MOo 200 Q 12 V 4 mV I Jlbar m 2 mV bOdB l32O V b OdB 51 0 1 1200 mV 12 V 2 mVp llbar m 1 26 mV lor 0 dB 320 nWbl m 2mV101 0 dB 610 nWbl mj ecc m 10 0 25...

Page 13: ...lM plI ogs Cha O llofVIWS 320n Nb m U 611 RMS lor 5 0 nWbl n s It stw Ud boo broIOcMII I al _ t onda i 3ZO nWbhn lor mono duI del IS deI ed Ho iI V y D adjull ltlii D 510 n Nblm bJ Il n f a geoe aror impIow g IOJ_ bJ dB 0I Jl0cA as _ ieII boo replacAd toy a 0UIPUl 111600 G 1 56 VI600 n E ternal power SUllllfY Suppty volI Il must be l atw 10 7 et 35 II AccePl b18 flppIe is to 7 V 7 ...

Page 14: ...als can 00 heard Whllfl Tape 6I 1 swilch is on rect th signal being eoord od can be hea d wh s posiOOn Tape th8 signal heard is ady reoord d on the tap and is epo OOlJCed by the playback head Comparison 01 the lw l signala peI fTVls an alu800n of th8 QUlllity of th8 ording and in pat1iCulBf Ilflables del9Clion 01 laults such as difl on a head or a l ape threaded the wrong wWf H8 The tape can be ew...

Page 15: ...g is at pos sibIa by hng pol t s 16 and 11 Connection with otto eql llpmenl the NAGRA E is so oppIied I Om an ATN its Is Mi lIfIPI d 10 th8I cl II it ia an fie cl alio Wioow W 10Ihat 0I1h9 mains 1IiSftOA cl aogNiI can prto9IliI lIIa _ _ cl ing loop ec t wmed the 01 the N t GAA _ not be eQClly III he _ p _ cl T 8V _ due 10 _ a loop or due III _ _ n IIIQO Iic iekla e it Iha lh cl NAGRA is cifaetl1 C...

Page 16: ...ections to the amplilier and me ATN by keepinglhe mains wires of the amphfier and 01 the ATN as parallel as possible 10 evoid formation 01 a big lOop Do not torget that It e microphone input ot the NAGRA E is balanced and used as Iina input lor low94s between 2 5 and 1200 mV Thus the operation is a1waVS car ied our using 3 wi es one connecting the earth of the equiprn9nr and the OllIe 1 1 0 transm...

Page 17: ... the heads UntoottJnately cartain tapes lose some 01 the oxide which may then sallla on the heads The playback Ihoo becomes muffled and the ecording distorted Fcrtunstely inspaction of the haads is y easy in the NAGRA E II is sufficient 10 inspocI the recorder without the tapa The adive part 01 the head is white and polished like a m fOr it black or bfc wn traces are llisibla there is necessa Y 10...

Page 18: ...ase ol just 8bow lIIIi output SIlld f t Ihe Ilift _ KftW OJ l up i mKtw e oroer 10 use he moclOO i4 eo voIlmel laI a from bag tho bl ock wire woltl CQI c ill one end and an insul319d mea p obe at the lth The COtYl9C1or should be pIugqad onto pilar No 21 which is on Iha main circuit boafd on the righl handsld ir l Iir e with the supply seleclor Pow you mquir the voUm tor coarse _ _ nlS only 1 1 che...

Page 19: ...s in the bag of spara parts be ore aptac ng clleck witfl a IIo Imeler thai tile blown fuse IIq completely malllld i e that there is llo voltaga at one 01 its ands and nona at tII otllar e attery fuHa TIle batteries of the NAGRA E coosiSl of lllrea groups in series each llfflUP Cf lfI ains four cells n e s are connected b f wires roo inside tile NAGRA bellind tile battary boo Some 8CCUmUiutors nol ...

Page 20: ...ention The electronics operi le ampN II modu 1011181 h adphon but the motor does not 0 18 Switch Ihe mach 1 1 fast ewind and turn the IIII 1by hand II th motor stsrts rt means lhat its colloctor is faulty It must be repaired but in tI e meanlim it may still continue 1 1 work n a e ca 9tlg naer is not ava ilable cpan the corde see Chapler 3 3 remov Ihe sc can shielding the mmor and lry to cklan Iha...

Page 21: ...right 01 the lid Calel above the letto U in lhe Line Input During playback l recording 100M stlould be a gap If a lew tenths 01 mm between the lev81 If not shoold be adjusted Open ll a mcor l8r the Iransmission rod is in the lorm 01 a SCfew 3I ld nul by w hdr8wing the cam roller recorder open Ih8 rod is r asad and can be adjusJad The commutation 001 01 the molOr Ie helfd In the hGadphone the power...

Page 22: ...ona is litho type T oj il the mlerophon9 cab is of the right type TI 9 may be some eonfusion about these cabl9 In 1957 we chose a wiring standard arbH arily and since then have manufactUfad Ihousaru ts of cabl911 I ate lEe standard 268 was 951ab1ishod different from our OIKWefltKlII Thus two l pes of cables are no in USa K tile cab is at the inoorrecl type the powe supply polarity to the microflll...

Page 23: ...Pa _ CIood I _ or 320 n Wb m CCm tardI thI n x 0 dB if noI it can be comocled by LEVB AD r pr _ I IWI _ taPa _ de at a III 200 nVobIm II lI ltoIuldio B Tho Oil _ _ _ II dId a tuooer Iewl thin hi MC tiICln _ d a nng III LINE INPUT l 1 lAV8ACk 11 ItoIuld be u oad gryI a higIw 1 lI lhol aDmulh hon normal 10 kHzl pre tl a had idewars using a hrogef or lhumbl 10 bodl IeIt oghl hilst obSONIf IQ the mocI...

Page 24: ...duck_ posilio s cn 8 e oe 10 10 kHz 12 dB gNY knob on right aide 01 c ifcuI tx dl Swilc h 8 20 10 REFERENCl SIGtoW CALElRATDN t I I MI be lod ed in Illl by using 1Iff al f8Id btsaon Slaotil in July anklo _ po IIIOn K fACTOR AOJUST poesel dDd _ IItoiIst tOO mo UomoI adlust tor a ximum raading Mrwc eaary reduce record gatr1 lEVEL ADJUST 10 keep he mochAomllW raadong on SClIle Now turlhIIf inc Ihe bi...

Page 25: ... espon y be thel woth n l8P i on the 10 kHz 12 116 Ill iror l lie modulomel feeding mey alii be 100 high with l TREBLE PRE EMPHASIS tumod ngtll dowtI In lIlis Itle t u lev m ry be If ICfNMd tom _ in II __ lNI reedi ll Now Mt II e osdIalor bo t to 1 kHz d8 end dDse lie ecorder IS he cehb 8bOfI il now 0 ...

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Page 27: ...oal interl8r81 1C41 WIth the llUdio 1 1eI E lO n ll 1Il8 following comrols a nd II WiI On N lmnI paooI a pilot flag 40 giving tivoe ir dIeIIJorll _ n f8COfd mode Tlw pIol sogIlIl is ted 10 r eId n p I I IOd8 A pilot IlgNl _ _ DI l hi bull _ J ldV0IUab0n is 0Ul of C1118I OI 01 _ IS no SfllI III _ pls h PIayba S is I ndwDlllled SynC ldolI I J llo g or pIsojba mode No piIoIlq al _ _ _ 01 1M pial sq a...

Page 28: ... n Mo m On 111 1 _ side switch l I I s lh4l strap plug sed OIl the olha NAGRA ptloI J 4lCOI dars 11I 81 For f 8COfll OJ Iladc usirlglhe S9 II delivered by Q8l I8falOJ For d or pilrfWt UIirIg 0 h _1io7oal _ 0 110m ATN power NOTe TerminIoI 3 on o PD 1OCIl 2S used as s o oetliU elUIpt t ort 0 0C0 l S 1C modllII is l es Piol our 0I I 1he NAGRA E l ...

Page 29: ... on the wtl p polllion IUm S black polot Iillnol is sillier mrss I Of s level is irlwffk enl t elow SOO mV NOTe e it the pilol 1Ia turns blllck pikJl track bias is acM The __ 101 source IS ef18Cl1od III _ _diu d aaclei _ 1 3 5 10 Imm OnoIlOo Ud tango of t loom o uin w s RIc synchronizabon _ a range aI onty w ftequency tI uI g n of 1 1 A pilot IigNl t _ oed on buI playbocl iI 0Ul aI syncIwonizaIion...

Page 30: ...romium dio iOa old top type it is nec lSS lry to readjustlhe record ng and di ect pilol lev s Recold the pilot signal on a stretch at tape Play it back and measure IhEt pilot octput v age on tllrmil lal 3 of the Power Pack l ockot Uot ll I V 0 2 V necessary ac Ijust ecordi ll Iav l resistor R 14JA 15 10 reach Ihis valuEt Swdch main selecto 20 10 TEST Measure thEt pilot olllpul voltage on pilot out...


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Page 33: ... e sur 100 eppareils Valeur maoimum e ntre crochets valeur au ceesus au eo oescus de laqua lle un appareil n ast pas accepta au oontr6le final 8 1 DIMENSIONS ET PO IDS Dimensions du boitie propramant dit couverde ferma sans les boutons la poignea at sa fi ation 315 222 04 mm DimeMlonS hors tout sans poognee 357 237 108 nm Thickness of entico odel sheel usod for 1ha 1 0 Thickness of tapa d9Ck 0 08 ...

Page 34: ... le clura 50 enregistrement avec pile au carbone avec poles ak alines Carbon ballGties Alkaline ballaries Rechargeable C lls 2 5 At AA 10 hoors 24 hours 10 hours 16 hours avec piles au carbona avec p les eiceaoes avec OLCCumulaleu S 2 5 Ah 6 3 TAPE Nominal wO lth 6 25 mm 114 ins 3 RUBAN MAGNETIQUE Large nomonale 6 25 mm Accept t id nesses 1210 50 0 5 to 2 moIs Epaisseurs admissibles 12 a50 Ma imlf...

Page 35: ...Hz H3 dynamic posilioo 0 7 1 1 Noise la Iel of mike preamplifier ASA A weighted raf 1 mW dynamic pos tion 2000 121 5 dBrn 121 dBm 0 0 lV l lV Symmetrical put soosrtfVrty Minim m inpul vellOf fecordi ll at 0 dB 2 5 mV 6 5 CHAINE AMPlIFlCATRICE SEULE Sensibilite micro nominale micro dynamique 200 O NiVWu u ennee n mum pour 0 dB 140 JlV Sansibrlrta mi cro nominala mic ophone iI cattdensateur Niveau d...

Page 36: ...B T nsion de sortie lign asymetOque a 1 kH pour 0 dB au modulomelfe Oist lrSfon a2 V 6 dB non cllarge H H Chule de tension sur 600 l unloaded a 0 94 V 0 3 1 0 1 0 175 dB 0 2 dBJ As ymmellioal I oolpul voltage 1 kHz lor 0 dB 00 modulomeler Distortion al 2 V 6 dB unload H H VoItag drop 00 600 l l 0 3 l o 10 1 4 O 3 J 0 1 1 Roaling me output voltage at 1 kHz for 0 dB on modulometao 4 4 V V oltage dro...

Page 37: ...le 5 ms 20 20 II adB Frequ9f1C l response from 50 Hz to 15 kHz t 0 6 dB l dB 6 12 RECORD REPRODUCE CHAIN Courbe d reponse de 50 Hz II 15 kHz O 6 dB I l dB 6 12 CHAINE ENREG ISTREMENT_ Ma imum Il8al level MPLj o dB a 320 nWblm 3 dB Ni eau d 9f I egislfem fl1 nominal o dB 320 n M llm N e3U d enregrstrement mJlXimum M P L 3 dB T_ used lor esls as monboned in the protocol oJ maasure merrt supplied wil...

Page 38: ...nying linal measurement protocol sha91 The company reserves It a right to modily 11 9 design 01 l he equipment and 10 amend spacdlCalions wilhout notice az Rapporl signalobrud de haine de lecture seule avec motalJl en rcl stimulateur de ruban mesure pon l9r a S A oivtl8U M P L 71 ea tee dB Rapport signal b ud en enragistrement leeture au roiveau M P L a 19 05 c mls ponder ASA A CCIR 63 dB 60 dB La...

Page 39: ...SYNOPTIC DIAGRAM _ t r l SCHEMA SYNOPTIOUE 6 _ aa ...

Page 40: ...le 1 _ awe OCAW Mans _ 1 1 l i ___ PA 25 S 15 1 l 2 5 No _ t _ lI 1S s 2 5 N1 eM IfQQ set 01 12 12 All _ BMT t l 3 _ ond _ Me onpul lrol miaoph ne ymelriquN flDltlnl e1 lr Iigne ncoo E Q naI llf l oplof Jot d f1 ic fl II op o _ _ I OU earrs Fo tIng V Sonioo _ I e V F g I V SMe I 56V eve won _b 3 v _ of 7 1 2 ICl t _ _ o dllio _ Joo U2cm11 19 c Iors do Ia lI t 1 ...

Page 41: ...IN A GRAr J EI3 mD CH l033 Ct _aux I Lausanne NAGRA Conflgun tor QCAS l t wd oupply QCAW 14375 1016 TIll ATN JC 982 54 0 PA 2 5 021 77 eve 0 J V BS 2 Cor d T ...

Page 42: ...n 1icJ1e _ Carrying ca eS ETS 99032 CarrV n caS9 Vnl hc m w I with mlC ophOO9 poek91 Sococh9 en l nlI1ie e vng aliQue avec poeho p micropl ooo QHC 2 14127 Spare O V i l trap 10 NAGRA E Cwrroie de r Ch 9 PO porte Ie NAGRA E OHP 14120 Car vi llhondie Poignee OHCP 2 14123 Spocial sirap lor cam ving a cord aqv pped ilh QHP ndie Courmie ale mon1 r s apparail ilquip d poigoo QHP Mechank al accessorlf QT...

Page 43: ...NAGRA CH l033 CheseauK I lausanne NAGRA E Configurator 3CU SilI ies 14 123 0 1 1 r 14 655 QT IM QRAC OLEN V V V t _ G _ 14100 aGB aSM _ I 191 TPBC race t t J _ ev GBA QGBN aGAS OCAW Electro nneeli M nicol con l Opo ing requW ...

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