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Thanks for purchasing the Nady SW-21 AB/Y 
Switcher Signal Routing Box. The SW-21 is 
a useful compact signal routing box. A/B-Y 
switching works two ways: (1)  it enables routing 
a common source signal (guitar, bass or key-
board) between two amplifiers or amp channels 
or to both amps simultaneously, and (2)  it allows 
selecting between two source signals (e.g., two 
different guitars) into the same amplifier or to 
use both sources simultaneously. Two LEDs 
indicate whether A, B or Y routing has been 
selected. The Y routing combines both the A and B outputs in parallel so, for example, two amplifiers 
can be driven at once or combines two source signals so that two guitars can be used simultaneously . 
The SW-21  provides full A/B-Y switching functionality, plus two Parallel  in/out jacks.
Connecting source signals and amp inputs in parallel can affect audio levels and might require readjust-
ing your volume controls.


• Switches a signal between two different targets (e.g., amp A or B) 
• Directs a signal to two targets simultaneously. 
• Switches between one of two different source signals sent to one target 
• Barely audible low switching noise   
• Combines two source signals in parallel  switched between two different targets 
• Combines two source signals in parallel directed to two targets simultaneously. 
• No bleed-through between channels   
• LEDs indicate all signal routing selected  
• Unplugging from jacks labeled “PARALLEL” turns off 9V battery


(1) 9VDC Battery Compartment — Battery only functions to power LED indicators and unit can oper-

ate without the LEDs. Change battery when LEDs become dim.

(2) “A” Input/Outpt — 1/4” TS jack


AB/Y Switcher Signal Routing Box 









