NAD Klima
(head office)
144 rue Léger, Sherbrooke (Qué) J1L 1L9
(819) 780-0111
1 866 531-1739
NAD Klima Ontario
2840 Argentia Road, Unit 6
Mississauga (Ontario) L5N 8G4
416 860-1067
NAD Klima
NAD Klima diffusers are the result of a manufacturing
process in which our experts successfully meet your
requirements and particular challenges.
Our range of equipment comprises the latest technological innovations.
Our passion for work well done and digital precision ensure that the resulting
product will guarantee the highest standards.
Manufactured in Sherbrooke, Quebec, (Canada) and distributed all
across North America, our products raise the bar in terms of
standards of quality, efficiency and energy savings.
A leader in air diffusers for LEED projects,
NAD Klima is always striving to provide
better comfort to consumers.
NAD Klima all products are the pride of
an inventive, innovative and devoted team.
Our goal is not only to supply diffusers,
but to create outstanding results.
We are NAD Klima.
NAD Klima