Warning from your Water Supplier
It could be a criminal offence to use this tap with a mains water supply drawn directly from the supply pipe.
(The supply pipe is the one which brings the water supply into your home and is directly connected to the public water main).
This tap has an outlet on a flexible hose which, if left immersed in water, could result in contaminated water being drawn back
into the pipework if the supply pressure dropped. To prevent contamination of drinking water in the premises and in the water
main, and to comply with the legal requirements of the UK plumbing regulations and byelaws*, both hot and cold water supplied
to this tap must come from a storage cisterm.
If the distributing pipes feeding this tap from the storage cistern have other outlets connected to them, the outlet of this tap must
be lower than any of those other outlets.
If installed as a tap which is used for drawing water for drinking, and the quality of water from the storage cistern does not meet
the standards for drinking water, a separate tap supplied with wholesome water must be provided for drinking purposes.
For further information, contact the Water Regulations department of your local Water Supplier ( see the WRAS website
for details) or the Water Regulations Advisory Scheme by e-mail ([email protected]) or telephone: +44 (0) 333
207 9030.
* The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 (England and Wales), The Water Supply (Water Fittings) (Scotland)
Byelaws 2014 or The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009.