NAMC-ZYNQ-FMC – Board Support Package Manual
Version 1.0
© N.A.T. GmbH
Board Support Package Description
The Board Support Package (BSP) is shipped with the NAMC-ZYNQ-FMC to support
customers generating a complete linux distribution including FSBL, U-Boot and kernel
image for the Xilinx ZYNQ FPGA SoC. The BSP ensures a basic working infrastructure
including necessary communication and memory interfaces to support customers
developing their own FMC drivers and applications on top of that.
The software part is based on the Petalinux build system that is officially supported by
Xilinx. Before you can use the BSP you will have to install the necessary Xilinx tools and
the N.A.T sources. This is going to be explained in the next chapters. Although N.A.T
recommends using the BSP you are completely free whether to use your own software
distributions. It is also possible to run a bare metal application without any OS on the
SoC but there approaches are outside of the manuals scope.
For generating the necessary hardware description files you may use the N.A.T Vivado
example project that is also included in the board support package. The example project
contains a block diagram that customers could use as a template to build their logic on
top of that. It ensures the basic hardware functionality such as standard communication
Common information about the Petalinux build system can be found at “UG1144
Petalinux Tools Documentation Reference Guide” [2] or at Xilinx wiki:
Prerequisite for using the BSP
Before you can use the BSP you will have to set up a few things:
A host system (linux or windows) with Vivado installed
A host system (linux) containing the Petalinux toolchain and SDK
The N.A.T reference FPGA configuration image was created with Xilinx Vivado 2015.2.1
thus for best compatibility N.A.T recommends to use both the Petalinux 2015.2.1 build
system and the corresponding Vivado version. Please follow the Xilinx Petalinux
Documentation “UG1144 Petalinux Tools Reference Guide” on how to install the Xilinx
tools on your host machine.
BSP structure
Referring to the table below, the board support package contains four folders. The bsp
folder includes the software project containing the build output of the kernel image and
other components. The image folder contains all images that are needed for the device to
operate including the FPGA bitstream, u-boot and kernel binaries. The subsystem folder
is used for holding user configuration (e.g. device-tree). In the /doc folder you can find
any necessary documentation. The /src folder is intended to be used by the bsp for
holding user application data and patch files in order for the software components to
work with the hardware that were made by N.A.T. These files are patched by using the