PG 5
Water Inlet and Filter
Use heavy duty 3/4” hose no more than 50 ft. long. If
the unit is run with an inadequate water supply, pump
damage will occur. Before attaching source hose to the
jetter, run water through the source hose to flush debris
out of the faucet and hose. Make sure the water is running
clean and clear.
The water inlet has a filter to prevent small debris from
running through your pump. However recheck the inlet
filter before each use to make sure there is no obstruc-
tion. Unscrew and rinse out screen if necessary.
Remote Control
The MV84 motor can be
controlled with a handheld
remote. Toggle switches on the
side of the jetter frame must be
set correctly for the handheld
device to work, instructions are on next page.
Garden hose
Electric Start
Jumper hose
Ball valves
Pre Operation Checklist
• Be sure you understand all safety
precautions (pg 2) and have been
trained to use the machine
• Locate jetter on level surface where
water won’t pool, engage brake
• Check fluid levels— oil in pumps, oil
and gas in motor
• Check for adequate water flow (right)
• Check hose for wear or kinks, that
all hoses and lines are clear and inlet
filter is clean
• Select and inspect nozzle for wear
• Check that hose reel and all
connections are tight
• Wear protective clothing: gloves,
rubber boots and goggles or face
shield to protect your eyes from spray
Check water supply
for 8 gpm rate
The water tank has
gallon measurements on
the side.
• With the supply hose
wide open, place it in
the tank.
At the same time, start
a stop watch.
• After 1 minute, remove
the water supply hose
and read the total
gallons, there should
be at least 8 gallons in
the tank.
MyTana MV84 DUAL CART JET TER User Manual