MyMeters MM-SDM630-2C User Manual Download Page 1


Multi-Channel DIN Rail Smart Energy Meter





1. Introduction

MM-SDM630-2C measures and displays the characteristics of 

two three phase four wires circuits or 6 single phase circuits, 

including voltage, frequency, current, power and active and 

reactive energy, imported or exported.  Energy is measured in 

terms of kWh, kVArh. Maximum demand current can be 

measured over preset periods of up to 60 minutes. In order 

to measure energy, the


unit requires voltage and current 

inputs in addition to the supply required to power the 

product. The requisite current input(s) are obtained via 

current transformers (CT).

This meter can be configured to work with a wide range 

of CTs, giving the unit a wide range of operation. Built-in 

interfaces provide pulse and RS485 Modbus RTU outputs. 

Configuration is password protected.

1.1 Unit Characteristics

The Unit can measure and display electronic information of 


•  L-N voltage and THD% (total harmonic distortion) of 

all phases

•  Line Frequency

•  Currents, Current demands and current THD% of all 


•  Power, maximum power demand and power factor

•  Active energy imported and exported

•  Reactive energy imported and exported 

The unit has password-protected set-up screens for: 

•  Changing password

•  Supply system selection 1phase2wire, 3phase 4wires

•  CT Ratio (1 to9999 )

•  PT ratio (1 to 9999)

•  Demand Interval time

•  Reset for demand measurements

•  Pulse output duration 

A pulse output indicates real-time energy measurement. An 

RS485 output allows remote

monitoring from another display or a computer.

1.2 Current Transformer Primary Current

The unit can be configured to operate with CT ratio between 

Primary Current and Secondary Current. The secondary CT 

has two options: 1A / 5A 

1.3 RS485 Serial - Modbus RTU 

This uses an RS485 serial port with Modbus RTU protocol 

to provide a means of remotely monitoring and controlling 

the Unit

Set-up screens are provided for setting up the RS485 port. 

1.4 Pulse Output

This provides 2 pulse outputs referring the energy consump-

tion of two circuits. Both pulse outputs are configurable. 

The pulse width for active energy can be set from the Set-up 


2. Start Up Screens

The first screen lights all 

display segments and can be 
used as a display check.

The second screen 

indicates the firmware 

installed in the unit and its 

build number.

Next the unit performs a 
self-test and indicates if the 
test passes.

After a short delay, the screen will display active energy 


3. Measurements

The MM-SDM630-2C measures all important electrical 

parameters, which is shown on the LCD display and approach-

able via RS485. On the front panel there are four sensitive 

buttons and four LED indicators. 

The buttons operate as follows:

Selects the Voltage and Current display 
screens In Set-up Mode, this is the 
“Left” or “Back” button.

Select the Frequency and Power factor 
display screens In Set-up Mode, this is 

the “Up” button.

Select the Power display screens 
In Set-up Mode, this is the “Down” 

Select the Energy display screens 
In Set-up mode, this is the “Enter” or 
“Right” button.

The default display after the meter is power on, the LCD 

show “C1” circuit information.The way to shift “C1” circuit 

information to “C2” circuit information is by pressing the 

“Down” button            .

If the meter are showing “C2”, and the user want to shift 

it to be “C1” circuit, then he shall keep pressing the “UP”  

button            .

(Circuit 1)

(Circuit 2)

3.1 Voltage and Current

Each successive pressing of the            button selects a 

new range:

Phase to neutral voltages

Current on each phase

Phase to neutral voltage 


Current THD% for each 


3.2 Frequency and Power Factor and 


Each successive pressing of the            button selects a 

new range:

3.3 Power

Each successive pressing of the            button selects a 

new range:


Power factor (total)

Power factor of each phase

Max. Power demand

Max. Current demand

Instantaneous active power 


Instantaneous reactive 

power (kVAr)

Instantaneous Volt-amps 


Total kW, kVAr, kVA

Total active energy in kWh

C1-L1 kwh

C1-L2 kwh

Imported active energy 
in kWh

Exported active energy 
in kWh

Total reactive energy 
in kVAh

C1-L1 kVarh

C1-L2 kVarh

C1-L3 kVarh

Imported reactive energy 

in kVArh

Exported reactive energy 

in kVArh

4. Setting Up

To enter set-up mode, pressing the

button for 3 

seconds, until the password screen appears.

Setting up is password-protected so you must enter the 

correct password (default ‘1000’) before processing. If an 

incorrect password is entered, the display will show: PASS Err

To exit setting-up mode, press

repeatedly until the 

measurement screen is restored.

4.1 Set-up Menu Structure 

Change password

nnnn    4-digit number-default ‘1000’

CT    Set the value of the CT ratio

nnnn    4-digit number    0001~9999.v

PT    set the value of PT Ratio

nnnn    4-digit number    0001~9999.

DIT Demand Integration Time

This is the period in minutes over which the current and 

power readings are integrated for maximum demand mea-

surement. Options are: 5 , 10, 15, 30 and 60minutes.

4.2 Set-up Entry Methods

Some menu items, such as password and CT, require a 

four-digit number entry while others, such as supply system, 

require selection from a number of menu options.

4.2.1 Menu Option Selection

5) Having completed a parameter setting, press


return to a higher menu level. The SET indicator will be 
removed and you will be able to use              the and 
buttons for further menu selection.

6) On completion of all setting-up, press


until the measurement screen is restored.

4.2.2 Number Entry Procedure

When Setting up the unit , some screens require the entering 

of a number. In particular, on entry to the setting up section, a 

password must be entered. Digits are set individually, from left 

to right.The procedure is as follows:

1)The current digit to be set flashes and is set using the



2) Press

to confirm each digit setting. The SET 

indicator appears after the last digit has been set.

3) After setting the last digit, press

to exit the num-

ber setting routine. The SET indicator will be removed.

4.3 Change Password




choose the change 
password option.


to enter the 

change password routine. 
The new password screen 

will appear with the first 
digit flashing.

Use          and          to set 

the first digit and press

            to confirm your 

selection. The next digit 

will flash.

Repeat the procedure for 
the remaining three digits

After setting the last digit, 
SET will show.


to exit the number setting routine and return 

to the Set-up menu. SET will be removed.

4.4 DIT Demand Integration Time

This sets the period in minutes over which the current and 

power readings are integrated for maximum demand mea-

surement.The options are: 5, 10,15 30,60 minutes.

From the set-up menu, use

         and          buttons 
to select the dIT option. 
The screen will show the 

currently selected integra-
tion time.


to enter 

the selection routine. The 

current time interval 

will flash.



buttons to select the time 



to confirm 

selection. SET indicator 
will appear.


to exit the DIT selection routine and return 

to the menu.

4.5 CT

The CT option sets the current ratio (1~9999) and secondary 

current (CT2 1A/5A) of the current transformer (CT) that 

wires to the meter.

From the Set-up menu, use
        and        buttons 
to select the CT option. 

The screen will show the 
current CT primary current 


C1.CT2 -> Circuit 1  

C2.CT2 -> Circuit 2

There are four LED indicators on the front panel , namely C1, 

C2, Pulse1 and Pulse2. The unit can measures and displays data 

of two three phase circuits: C1 circuit and C2 circuit. If C1 

LED shows, that means the reading on the LCD are for C1 

circuit. While C2 is there, it means the measurements on the 

LCD are for C2 circuit. 

Each successive pressing of the            button selects a 

new range:

3.4 Energy Measurements

C1-L3 kwh

1) Use the                and                buttons to select the 
required item from the menu shown in section 4.1. Selection 
does not roll over between bottom and top of list.

2) Press

to confirm your selection

3) If an item flashes, then it can be adjusted by the


            buttons. If not, there maybe a further layer.

4) Having selected an option from the current layer, press 

            to confirm your selection. The SET indicator will 


Secondary CT setting


to enter 

the CT secondary current 

selection routine.  5A/1A

Set CT Ratio Value


to enter the 

CT Ratio. The range is from 

Example: if set the ratio to be 100, that means the primary 

current is secondary current x100.

4.6 PT

The PT option sets the secondary voltage (PT2 100~500V) of 

the Voltage transformer (PT) that wires to the meter and the 

PT ratio between PT1 to PT2. The default value is 400V for 

Secondary PT (L-L), and the ratio between PT1 and PT2 is 1.
