Nutritional status and percentage of body fat
The percentage of body fat indicates the nutritional status of the person
considering the following factors: Weight, height, age and gender.
This percentage is the first step to know the nutritional status of any person and
indicates if it is below, within or above the established weight as normal for its
physical size.
To check your nutritional status and body fat percentage (approximate typical
values), compare the measurements obtained with the table in the next section.
Percentage of water in the body
The water content in the body is closely related to weight, gender and age.
There is an inverse relationship between what we weigh and the water our
organism has: we have less water the greater our weight.
This means that obese people have less water in their body than thin people.
Age also influences the amount of water in the body, as we go through years
this decreases.
70% of a newborn's weight is water, in adults almost 60% and in the elderly
The percentage of water in the body of an adult woman ranges between 38%
and 75% and in an adult man between 36% and 75%.
Muscle mass index
The body mass index varies depending on a series of parameters such as
muscle mass and bone structure. People who practice sports have more
muscle mass than sedentary people and, therefore, may have a higher body
mass index without being overweight. The table shows the muscle mass index
for a person of normal physical constitution.
Percentage of bone mass
The amount of bone mass of a person increases gradually from birth to the
maximum at 25 years of age approx. Then come some years of stability and
subsequently the bone mass progressively decreases. From 45 years of age,
men lose between 8 and 10% of bone mass per decade, while women can lose
up to 12% per decade.