A template is enclosed for the exact cut out dimension. 445 x 105mm
To fit in a kitchen plinth.
The Soundbar is more easily fitted during installation of the kitchen.
Nevertheless, it can also be a straightforward retrofit.
Key considerations when selecting position are:
Best position for sound into the kitchen area
Availability of power to feed to the rear of the unit
Clearance of unit support legs
The Soundbar grill is 472mm long and 110mm height. It will fit under a 500mm wide unit
but a 600mm or 1000mm unit allows more room to clear the legs.
It fits comfortably in a 150mm plinth and with care when cutting out, into a 120mm
Remove the plinth from the kitchen unit. This is usually (but not always) clipped to the
cabinet legs and is most easily removed if you have a vacuum sucker.
The position of the cabinet legs will determine if the sound bar will fit readily under the
unit. If you need to move the legs then take care you have the units fully supported with
other packing before you remove the existing legs.
Lay the template on the plinth, check horizontal alignment and draw around for the cut
out. (445 x 105mm)
Cut the aperture EXACTLY to the cut-out line. You have only a small cover by the grill,
if you wander outside the line you will not fully cover the cut out with the grill.
The soundbar with its steel fixing trim will fit through the cut out. Fit the 6 countersunk
screws to secure the soundbar to the plinth.
Position the grill (be aware its handed) and working from center to each end push firmly
so the studs fully enter the holes and the grill sits flush to the case and plinth.