Iron Crosses
Lay flat on back, move arms out to side with
palms face up to create T shape with body if
looking from above. Raise one leg and bring up
and across body to touch down on opposite side
floor (bend knee for less intense stretch and
straighten to intensify). Ensure back and
shoulders stay flat on floor.
Quadruped T-Spine Rotation
In kneeling position and sitting on heels, place
hands in front of knees. Move palm of one hand
to back of head. Draw elbow of this arm down to
opposite knee, then rotate elbow up as high as
you can towards ceiling by turning through torso.
Other hand and knees must remain flat on floor.
Repeat for 12-15 repetitions each side.
Band Pull Aparts
Using a light resistance band, hold the band with
hands just wider than shoulder width apart and
at shoulder height. Keeping arms straight, pull
arms apart from each other to stretch band
across front of chest and pinch shoulder blades
together. With control, and arms remaining
straight, return to start position. Repeat for 12-15
repetitions. To make harder, hold band closer
together. To make easier, hold band further
Resistance bands available at: